Hello world!

Hello World – A NEW day has dawned! I have officially started a BLOG!

I am excited and overwhelmed at the same time. The reason is because I know that God has great plans for all of us, who call by His great Name! Other reasons are because there is so much information to share, and I want to use this platform to share it! As I start working on this blog, I do ask that you be patient as I make tiny steps to make this look pleasing to the eye, and collect my thoughts as I type what I believe God has prompted me to share.

I will tell you know that I will be sharing tidbits of ministerial notes, music ministry notes, as well as teachings and helpful nuggets from ministers: great men and women of God that I have had the privilege to serve. I’m finding that most of us are not receiving mentoring for WHATEVER reason.  This is my chance to mentor and share!

I wish to thank Bishop T.D. Jakes for having a conference these past few days  that has inspired me to get this going!

Please lift me up in your prayers as I share what I hear from the Lord. Many blessings to you!
